Alex van Rensburg – through the eyes of his children

20150622124220813 0029Born and bred in Zastron, Alex van Rensburg was an amazing human being. He had so much experience and always wanted to learn more. He had an amazing wide vocabulary in English and Afrikaans and knew the meaning of words most people have never even heard of. He could speak three languages fluently, English, Afrikaans and Sotho. He was never afraid of trying something new. He loved travelling the world, but always wanted to go back home – home being Zastron to him. And after returning he always wanted to share his travels and experiences with everyone.

He always put others first and was very proud of Zastron. He loved sharing histories, experiences, pictures and videos of the town with everyone else.

He went out of his way to get Zastron in first place during the “Vrystaat Dorp van die Jaar” competitions. He was on TV for the documentary on Zastron and was so proud to share the history of Zastron with everyone.

He taught himself so many things and kept notes on everything so that he wouldn’t forget or have to ask someone to show him how to do something twice.

He was very creative and took great care in detail when he made a book or video on something. He loved history and the origins and history of various parts of Zastron were very important to him. He even had a little bar (made by himself) and made his own Italian liquor, “Limoncello” (a liquor made of lemons). His little “Italian Trattoria” was a tourist attraction in Zastron. He always had his cameras (video camera and digital camera) with him and the batteries were always charged. He loved the video editing and making documentaries and home videos for other people to enjoy and to keep their memories alive.

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Baasverteller – Renier de Winnaar van Zastron

renierdewinnaarStadig beweeg die twee perderuiters teen die berg uit. Ver bokant hulle draai aasvoëls in die helder blou lug. Dit is in die dae toe hierdie voëls nog volop was met hulle broeiplekker tussen die kranse onder hulle. Oor die voorste ruiter se skouers hang ‘n geweer en om sy nek ‘n verkyker. Troppe wildsbokke baljaar om hulle – kort kort flits ‘n bobbejaan by hulle verby..

Die voorste ruiter kom tot stilstand – kyk op na die hoë rots voor hom, na die gat in die rots wat soos ‘n oog oor die omgewing uitstaar. Hy weet natuurlik goed dat dit deur sy toedoen was dat hierdie gat in die berg ontstaan het. Was dit dan nie hy wat sy geweer vir die duiwel aangebied het om ‘n teurg daarvan te nem in die vaste geloof dat dit ‘n gewone pyp met tabak was nie? Terwyl die duiwel nog so lekker aan die loop gesuig het, het hy die skoot afgetrek en die duiwel se kop het soos ‘n koeël deur die kranse getrek en die gat veroorsaak.

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Die Johanna biblioteek – ‘n monument op Zastron

biblioteekDit is die winter van 1933 – in die Buiteland heers die grootste depressie in mense heugnis – kruiwaens vol geldnote kon skaars ’n dosie vuurhoutjies koop.

Suid-Afrika het ook nie vrygespring nie. Werkloosheid was aan die orde van die dag – diegene wat nog werk gehad het, het ‘n paar uur voor hulle moes begin al opgedaag – te bang dat hulle hul werk sou verloor. Mense met universiteitsgrade het stasie peronne gevee, met pik en graaf op paaie en strate gewerk.

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Historical Tree grows with town

Boom2By legend this old Bluegum tree was planted around 1865 by old Vosmerrie, the “agterryer” of the legendary Renier de Winnaar.

It seems that Vosmerrie planted the tree in the central area of Verliesfontein, the farm on which Zastron originated. He planted the tree for his boss, Renier’s horse, who needed shade while he told the children his incredible stories.

Only one of the many monuments in town which should be preserved for future generations.