Lucas Majozi

Lucas MajoziRLittle is known about Lucas Majozi and the reason why the street was name after him.

This is his story :

In 1942… “On the night of October 23 – 24, Majozi accompanied his company into action as a stretcher-bearer. In the later stages of the action when he was within 100 yards of the enemy and under heavy fire, he thought nothing of his personal safety and continued to evacuated casualties assisted by co-bearers.

He was then wounded by shrapnel, but he continued evacuating the wounded. Told by a medical corporal to go back to the regimental aid post, he replied that there were many wounded men still in the minefield.

He went back, and with the assistance for other stretchers bearers, he brought back more wounded. After his co- bearer had become a casualty, he did not waver, but carried wounded men back alone on his back to the aid post.

When he was eventually told by the Company Commander to go back, he smilingly refused and remained on duty, working incessantly till he collapsed next morning through sheer exhaustion, stiffness, and loss of blood. His extreme devotion to duty and gallant conduct under continuous enemy fire throughout the night saved the lives of many wounded men who would otherwise have died through loss of blood or possible further wounds.’(12)

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Monument - Anglo-Boere Oorlog 1899 – 1902

momentum2The N.G Church congregation erected a beautiful sandstone monument in honor of the burghers who laid down their lives during the Anglo-Boer War. The unveiling took place on March 1906. Wreathes were lain at the monument during the hundred year commemoration of the Anglo-Boer War in 2001.

NG Kerk Zastron

doopvont‘n Eerste poging om ‘n gemeente in Zastron te stig, vind plaas as ‘n petisie op 19 Oktober 1883 na die Rouxville gemeente gestuur word. Die debat duur voor tot 7 Februarie 1889 as besluit word dat dienste wel maandeliks gehou sou word en dat 'n kerkie opgerig moet word. Op 8 Februarie 1890 word die hoeksteen gelê van die kerkie op erf 23 en op 2 Oktober 1890 word die gebou aan die Boukommissie oorhandig!

Op 29 November 1893 word besluit dat volgens die bepalinge van die Kerkwet, die gemeente van Zastron as wettig gestig verklaar kan word.

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Reynier slaan die groot gat deur die rots op aasvoëlberg

IMG 6479aDie gat in die krans op Aasvoëlberg – die “Oog” – is seker een van Zastron se bekendste besienswaardighede. Dit is dus te verstane dat daar verskeie stories daaromtrent in omloop is.

Reynier se eerste ontmoeting met die duiwel was vanselfsprekend ook op Aasvoëlberg.

Op ‘n dag, toe hy ewe rustig langs sy huis sit en rook in die son, verbeel Reynier hom dat hy doenderweer hoor dreun. Hy kyk op in die lug en sien hoe dat die aasvoëls van die kranse af wegvlieg, kompleet asof hulle baie verbouereerd was.

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